
Making (Tech­no­lo­gy) Histo­ry: the fami­ly busi­ness SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH


Hans and Eli­sa­beth Schu­ma­cher form SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH. In their fami­ly house on Boden­see­stras­se in Munich-Pasing, this pri­vat firm laun­ches its enter­pri­se deve­lo­ping and manu­fac­tu­ring trans­for­mers, power sup­pli­es and indus­tri­al electronics.



The com­pa­ny sup­pli­es trans­for­mers and elec­tro­nic equip­ment for radio vehic­les for the new­ly foun­ded Bun­des­wehr (Ger­man military).

Hans Schu­ma­cher invents the pro­por­tio­nal remo­te con­trol for model air­planes. For the first time, model flight can be con­ti­nuous­ly regu­la­ted with this radio remo­te con­trol — each con­trol­ler exact­ly imi­ta­ted the ampli­tu­de of the move­ment of the stick on the trans­mit­ter — a revolution.


Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the com­pa­ny Graup­ner Modell­bau. SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH sup­pli­es char­gers, trans­for­mers, remo­te con­trols and other access­ories for model making.


Hans Schu­ma­cher designs the high-per­for­mance gli­der HS 91 Clou, which beco­mes a “clas­sic” among­st the Graup­ner model airplanes.


Struc­tu­ral chan­ge in model making, which is shif­ting fur­ther and fur­ther into the toy sec­tor. The result is a drop in pri­ces. The SCHU­MA­CHERElek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH has to redu­ce capa­ci­ties and cut valuable jobs.


With gra­dua­te engi­neer Hans Schu­ma­cher, son of the foun­ders, the second gene­ra­ti­on joins the fami­ly business.


Get­ting star­ted with medi­cal laser tech­no­lo­gy. For and with cus­to­mers such as Pro­las, Hüt­tin­ger (today the Trumpf Group) and KLS Mar­tin as well as various tech­no­lo­gy sup­pli­ers, SCHU­MA­CHER deve­lo­ps elec­tro­tech­no­lo­gy, con­trol devices and other elec­tro­nic com­pon­ents for com­plex, medi­cal laser applications.


Fur­ther expan­si­on of IT inte­gra­ti­on through in-house, cus­to­mer and appli­ca­ti­on-spe­ci­fic soft­ware development.


Expan­si­on of con­tract pro­duc­tion with engi­nee­ring know­ledge and logi­stics — the num­ber of employees rises to 25.


Res­truc­tu­ring of the com­pa­ny and diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on of the port­fo­lio. Under the umbrel­la of SCHU­MA­CHER Hol­ding, SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH and SCHU­MA­CHER Med­Tech GmbH sup­p­ly spe­cia­li­sed tech­no­lo­gy pro­ducts and solu­ti­ons to medi­um-sized firms and inter­na­tio­nal customers.


When Lukas Schu­ma­cher (sta­te-cer­ti­fied tech­ni­ci­an) and Ulrich Schu­ma­cher (M. Sc.) join the com­pa­ny, the third gene­ra­ti­on gets to work.


TÜV-SÜD cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on accor­ding to DIN EN ISO 13485: 2016. This stan­dard repres­ents the requi­re­ments for a com­pre­hen­si­ve qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem for the design and manu­fac­tu­re of medi­cal devices.


Inte­gra­ti­on of Murst GmbH, an expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­list for digi­tal X‑rays, into SCHU­MA­CHER Med­Tech GmbH.


Hans and Eli­sa­beth Schu­ma­cher form SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH. In their fami­ly house on Boden­see­stras­se in Munich-Pasing, this pri­vat firm laun­ches its enter­pri­se deve­lo­ping and manu­fac­tu­ring trans­for­mers, power sup­pli­es and indus­tri­al electronics.



The com­pa­ny sup­pli­es trans­for­mers and elec­tro­nic equip­ment for radio vehic­les for the new­ly foun­ded Bun­des­wehr (Ger­man military).

Hans Schu­ma­cher invents the pro­por­tio­nal remo­te con­trol for model air­planes. For the first time, model flight can be con­ti­nuous­ly regu­la­ted with this radio remo­te con­trol — each con­trol­ler exact­ly imi­ta­ted the ampli­tu­de of the move­ment of the stick on the trans­mit­ter — a revolution.


Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the com­pa­ny Graup­ner Modell­bau. SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH sup­pli­es char­gers, trans­for­mers, remo­te con­trols and other access­ories for model making.


Hans Schu­ma­cher designs the high-per­for­mance gli­der HS 91 Clou, which beco­mes a “clas­sic” among­st the Graup­ner model airplanes.


Struc­tu­ral chan­ge in model making, which is shif­ting fur­ther and fur­ther into the toy sec­tor. The result is a drop in pri­ces. The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH has to redu­ce capa­ci­ties and cut valuable jobs.


With gra­dua­te engi­neer Hans Schu­ma­cher, son of the foun­ders, the second gene­ra­ti­on joins the fami­ly business.


Get­ting star­ted with medi­cal laser tech­no­lo­gy. For and with cus­to­mers such as Pro­las, Hüt­tin­ger (today the Trumpf Group) and KLS Mar­tin as well as various tech­no­lo­gy sup­pli­ers, SCHU­MA­CHER deve­lo­ps elec­tro­tech­no­lo­gy, con­trol devices and other elec­tro­nic com­pon­ents for com­plex, medi­cal laser applications.


Fur­ther expan­si­on of IT inte­gra­ti­on through in-house, cus­to­mer and appli­ca­ti­on-spe­ci­fic soft­ware development.


Expan­si­on of con­tract pro­duc­tion with engi­nee­ring know­ledge and logi­stics — the num­ber of employees rises to 25.


Res­truc­tu­ring of the com­pa­ny and diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on of the port­fo­lio. Under the umbrel­la of SCHU­MA­CHER Hol­ding, SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH and SCHU­MA­CHER Med­Tech GmbH sup­p­ly spe­cia­li­sed tech­no­lo­gy pro­ducts and solu­ti­ons to medi­um-sized firms and inter­na­tio­nal customers.


When Lukas Schu­ma­cher (sta­te-cer­ti­fied tech­ni­ci­an) and Ulrich Schu­ma­cher (M. Sc.) join the com­pa­ny, the third gene­ra­ti­on gets to work.


TÜV-SÜD cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on accor­ding to DIN EN ISO 13485: 2016. This stan­dard repres­ents the requi­re­ments for a com­pre­hen­si­ve qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem for the design and manu­fac­tu­re of medi­cal devices.


Inte­gra­ti­on of Murst GmbH, an expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­list for digi­tal X‑rays, into SCHU­MA­CHER Med­Tech GmbH.