
„Do not go whe­re the path may lead, go ins­tead whe­re the­re is no path and lea­ve a trail“ 

Jean Paul

Hot Tires

Hot Tires

In For­mu­la 1, it is often the tires that deci­de over vic­to­ry and defeat. In order to always get the tires to the cor­rect racing tem­pe­ra­tu­re in the gara­ge, they are packed in spe­cial ther­mal bags. Schu­ma­cher has deve­lo­ped cus­­tom-made power elec­tro­nics for 100% pre­cise tem­pe­ra­tu­re control. 

Bone sur­gery

Bone sur­gery

Revo­lu­ti­on im Ope­ra­ti­ons­saal: Das Schwei­zer Medizinrobotik-Unternehmen.
Advan­ced Osteo­to­my Tools, based in Basel, reinvents bone sur­gery. Schu­ma­cher sup­pli­es the high-per­­for­­mance elec­tri­cal components.