Pro­cess Management

Pro­cess Management

Sup­p­ly chains


Pro­cess Management

Pro­duc­tion and deve­lo­p­ment at SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by high fle­xi­bi­li­ty, short work pro­ces­ses and unbu­reau­cra­tic exe­cu­ti­on. From pro­to­ty­pe or sam­ple con­s­truc­tion to seri­al pro­duc­tion — ever­y­thing from one source.

With the end pro­ducts beco­ming more and more com­plex and detail­ed, sup­p­ly and purcha­sing chains are also beco­ming more and more com­plex. In order to ensu­re a con­stant flow of goods for our high-tech appli­ca­ti­ons, our pro­cess manage­ment careful­ly balan­ces the neces­sa­ry stocks and the inco­ming and out­go­ing goods in accordance with our frame­work con­tracts and Kanban-agreements.

Trans­pa­rent sup­p­ly and purcha­sing chains

To do this, we work with ERP-based cus­tom-made sys­tem solu­ti­ons in order to meet the ope­ra­tio­nal requi­re­ments of our cus­to­mers to the grea­test pos­si­ble ext­ent. The her­eby trans­pa­rent ope­ra­tio­nal pro­ces­ses (purcha­sing, pro­duc­tion plan­ning, dis­patch of goods, sto­rage), are moni­to­red in terms of tech­ni­cal stan­dards by a cer­ti­fied qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem. The test set­ups for our ter­mi­nals are stan­dar­di­zed. Chan­ges to regu­la­ted manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses are only made fol­lo­wing cer­tain protocols.

With sui­ta­ble logistics

The dis­patch and receipt of goods takes place in a sepa­ra­te depart­ment. For our cus­to­mers, we accept spe­ci­fic for­war­ding requests. We also have our own Sprin­ter Shut­tle to quick­ly coll­ect par­ti­cu­lar­ly time-sen­si­ti­ve deli­veries or goods ourselves