
SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH spe­cia­li­zes in cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic pro­duc­tion of elec­tro­nic com­pon­ents with a focus on power sup­pli­es for lasers in indus­tri­al and sci­en­ti­fic appli­ca­ti­ons. On top of that, elec­tri­cal goods can be spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced for inno­va­ti­ve appli­ca­ti­ons on request.

Our experts from the mecha­ni­cal depart­ment con­tri­bu­te signi­fi­cant­ly to a quick and relia­ble rea­li­sa­ti­on of cus­tom-made pro­ducts. In this depart­ment we pro­du­ce cus­tom-fit detail­ed solu­ti­ons such as pun­ched sheet metal, spe­cial bores, spe­cial tools and sepa­ra­te pro­duc­tion struc­tures when requi­red. Postpro­ces­sing, for exam­p­le bends, cuts, bores and threads, which are requi­red for our spe­cial appli­ca­ti­ons, can also be car­ri­ed out here.

SMD assem­bly

THT assem­bly

Cable assem­bly

Spe­cia­li­sed trans­for­mer manufacturing

Final assem­bly

SMD assem­bly

Sur­face moun­ted devices are a spe­cial­ty of SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH. We pro­du­ce ful­ly assem­bled prin­ted cir­cuit boards in SMD tech­ni­que and Misch­tech­nik (mixed tech­ni­que). And in order to pro­du­ce com­plex lay­outs in a short time, we have two sta­te-of-the-art pla­ce­ment machi­nes with Dis­pen­sor and AOI sys­tems at our dis­po­sal. Fur­ther ser­vices we pro­vi­de are chip-on-board assem­bly and dou­ble-sided assem­bly of mul­ti­lay­er, rigid-flex and fle­xi­ble cir­cuit boards.

The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik Com­pe­ten­cy Plus

  • PCB sizes up to 330x380 mm, max 800x500 mm
  • Com­pon­ents from 0402 to 50x50 mm edge length
  • µBGAs
  • Vapor pha­se sold­e­ring bath
  • Pro­cess is lea­ded or RoHS compliant
  • Auto­ma­tic Opti­cal Inspec­tion (AOI)
  • Dis­pen­sor for small batches

THT assem­bly

For appli­ca­ti­ons that can­not be cover­ed by SMD pro­duc­tion, we can pro­du­ce ful­ly assem­bled prin­ted cir­cuit boards in THT tech­ni­que and Misch­tech­nik (mixed tech­ni­que) with the help of sta­te-of-the-art auto­ma­tic pla­ce­ment machi­nes and flow sold­e­ring sta­ti­ons. We also offer a sel­ec­ti­ve sold­e­ring sys­tem for medi­um and lar­ge-sca­le production.

Many of our pro­duc­tion steps are auto­ma­ted. The­re are howe­ver always indi­vi­du­al tasks that need to be pre­cis­i­on-craf­ted by hand. The­se spe­cial sold­e­ring ope­ra­ti­ons are car­ri­ed out by our expe­ri­en­ced employees at spe­cial, cali­bra­ted sold­e­ring work­sta­tions. This allows quan­ti­ties to be fle­xi­ble and cus­to­mer requests for chan­ges to be imple­men­ted quickly.

The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik Com­pe­ten­cy Plus

  • Sin­gle and dou­ble placement
  • Lar­ge cir­cuit boards up to 400x450 mm
  • Sold­e­ring in dou­ble wave sold­e­ring machi­nes (RoHS-com­pli­ant)
  • Sel­ec­ti­ve sold­e­ring machine
  • Press-fit tech­no­lo­gy from dif­fe­rent manufacturers

The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik Com­pe­ten­cy Plus

  • Many years of experience
  • cost-opti­mi­sed design
  • holi­stic mecha­nics development
  • Solid­Works 3D pro­duct preview
  • High tech­ni­cal quality

Cable assem­bly

Cable harnes­ses are the inner ner­ve cords of a device. They must meet the dif­fe­rent elec­tri­cal requi­re­ments (heat, high vol­ta­ge, screen for inter­fe­ring signals in the high fre­quen­cy ran­ge, fast swit­ching speeds) and gua­ran­tee the trans­mis­si­on of digi­tal signals for the con­trol of IT-com­pon­ents, high vol­ta­ge trans­mis­si­on lines, par­ti­cu­lar­ly for wiring of laser components.

We manu­fac­tu­re sin­gle strands and cable harnes­ses as well as com­plex cables for high-qua­li­ty components.

In addi­ti­on to a modern strand cut­ting machi­ne, we have two crim­ping machi­nes as well as all the machi­nes and manu­al tools to match the cont­acts we use. We manu­fac­tu­re spe­cial com­pon­ents in-house and by hand.


The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik Com­pe­ten­cy Plus

  • Wiring harnes­ses, cable harnes­ses, plug connections
  • High qua­li­ty through in-house production
  • Machi­ne and manu­al production
  • Spe­cial test­ing station


    Spe­cia­li­sed trans­for­mer manufacturing

    Spe­cia­li­sed trans­for­mer manu­fac­tu­ring has been the core of SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH for deca­des. In par­ti­cu­lar, pro­du­cing hand-made trans­for­mers in the laser and high-load ran­ge, is one of our strong points. This includes manu­fac­tu­ring of stan­dard and spe­cial fer­ri­te win­ding com­pon­ents, as well as vacu­um cap­ping for win­ding ele­ments with res­in and lac­quer, and the heat tre­at­ment after­wards. We also car­ry out sepa­ra­ti­on vol­ta­ge tests up to 100,000 volts in our in-house test room.


    The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik Com­pe­ten­cy Plus

    • • Stan­dard and spe­cial fer­ri­te transformers
    • Hand-made trans­for­mers
    • Trans­for­mers in the laser and high-load range
    • Vacu­um capping
    • Iso­la­ti­on vol­ta­ge tests up to 100,000 volts


      Final assem­bly

      In the final assem­bly, prin­ted cir­cuit boards, manu­fac­tu­red cables and bought-in com­pon­ents are com­bi­ned to form the end pro­ducts. With many devices, espe­ci­al­ly if they are only made in small bat­ches, this can­not be done by machi­ne. At SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik GmbH, qua­li­fied employees also meet the high qua­li­ty requi­re­ments asso­cia­ted with laser tech­no­lo­gy when they are working by hand at spe­ci­al­ly equip­ped workstations.

      Spe­ci­al­ly trai­ned assem­bly teams for spe­ci­fic pro­ducts or pro­duct groups make short-term pro­duc­tion pos­si­ble, even in small quantities.

      Thanks to short distances bet­ween work­sta­tions, final test­ing can often take place clo­se to pro­duc­tion. Any errors can then be iden­ti­fied and repai­red immediately.

      The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik Com­pe­ten­cy Plus

      • High-qua­li­ty assembly 
      • Fast small-batch production 
      • Spe­cial teams for indi­vi­du­al products 
      • Final test­ing