Test­ing and Validation

All pro­ducts manu­fac­tu­red by SCHU­MA­CHER Ele­kro­me­cha­nik GmbH, from the smal­lest com­po­nent to high-per­for­mance power sup­pli­es, are sub­jec­ted to a final and a safe­ty test by expe­ri­en­ced test room employees. In various test fields, all tests are car­ri­ed out from the small assem­bly to the powerful power sup­p­ly unit. Inclu­ding the pre­scri­bed safe­ty tests. Pre-test­ing of sub-assem­blies in accordance with defi­ned test pro­to­cols and final test­ing clo­se to pro­duc­tion gua­ran­tee fault-free ope­ra­ti­on. Poten­ti­al fault situa­tions are simu­la­ted and the instal­led safe­ty cir­cuits and soft­ware are tested.

We ther­eby also offer our cus­to­mers endu­rance tests and per­so­na­li­zed test pro­ce­du­res for their ori­gi­nal lasers and lamps All tests take place accor­ding to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments and are recorded.

Modern tech­no­lo­gy, com­pu­ter-aided test sta­ti­ons and mea­su­ring equip­ment manage­ment ensu­re the grea­test pos­si­ble safe­ty right through to the final inspection.

The SCHU­MA­CHER Elek­tro­me­cha­nik Com­pe­ten­cy Plus

  • Expe­ri­en­ced test room employees 
  • Test­ing clo­se to production 
  • Com­pu­ter-assis­ted test stations 
  • All man­da­to­ry safe­ty checks