In For­mu­la 1, it is often the tires that deci­de over vic­to­ry and defeat. In order to always get the tires to the cor­rect racing tem­pe­ra­tu­re in the gara­ge, they are packed in spe­cial ther­mal bags. Schu­ma­cher has deve­lo­ped cus­tom-made power elec­tro­nics for 100% pre­cise tem­pe­ra­tu­re control.

The dri­vers and teams app­re­cia­te the ther­mal bags becau­se they increase grip. At the same time, this advan­ta­ge has been lin­ked to the dis­pu­te over an alle­ged com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge for many years. Ger­man auto­mo­bi­le maga­zi­ne ‘auto motor und sport’ had recent­ly repor­ted that the For­mu­la 1 Com­mis­si­on was dis­cus­sing a step-by-step plan to com­ple­te­ly eli­mi­na­te them from 2024. It remains to be seen whe­ther this will actual­ly hap­pen. Until then, the “hot tires” will stay part of For­mu­la 1.